It’s that time of the month again when you’re struggling to fall asleep.
Whether it’s due to the pain of period cramps or because your pad has caused rashes (again!), period sleeplessness is a real thing experienced by millions of women worldwide.
If you’re one of them, you’ll probably be frustrated because either you’ve slept too less, or haven’t slept at all!
We all know that having enough sleep is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. And what if your lack of sleep is affecting your ability to function properly during the day?
Don’t go for the sleeping pills just yet.
Try out these ways to deal with period sleeplessness instead:
Table of Contents
Toggle1. Practice Stress-Reduction Activities Before Bed
Do you suffer from period stress?
If so, then practice stress reduction activities before bed. Stress reduction activities include anything that will help you calm down.
You could listen to soothing music or even read a book if that helps you relax.
Otherwise, a few minutes of meditation before bed will help improve your mood and reduce insomnia.
2. Take a Warm Bath in the Evening
There are multiple scientifically proven benefits to taking a warm bath. Warm water has a soothing effect on the muscles and can help ease pain caused by period cramps.
Bathing with Epsom salts is also great for helping you calm down. So, if you’re struggling with sleeplessness caused by period stress or the pain and irritation of the cramps is disturbing you, then a warm bath may help.
3. Exercise in the Evening
Have you ever noticed that you sleep more soundly on the days when you’re utterly exhausted?
Most health practitioners will recommend getting enough exercise daily to sleep healthily, whether you’re on your period or not.
However, if you’re feeling tired during your period, don’t go for endurance-type training or intense cardiovascular. Instead, follow a light exercise routine that includes yoga and light cardio.
4. Sleep with a Lower Room Temperature
Did you know that room temperature can affect your quality of sleep during your period? The body naturally cools down before we go to bed on normal days as your body’s system slows down.
However, during your period, your body temperature will be a bit higher than usual, causing a disruption in sleep quality.
Even if you’re a naturally heavy sleeper, you may have trouble sleeping peacefully during your period!
One of the most recommended tips is to set the room temperature slightly lower so your body can cool down. You can also drink a glass of cool water before bed for better sleep quality.
5. Get Enough Daylight Exposure
Do you have a habit of staying indoors during the day?
It could be affecting your sleep routine.
According to a recent research, exposure to daylight can have a profound effect on your sleep quality. Natural light plays an important role in adjusting your sleep clock, allowing you to sleep at the correct time daily.
However, since most people live in poorly lit buildings with no natural light, it’s no wonder the cases of sleeplessness are so prevalent!
In other words, if you struggle with sleep quality during your period, or can’t seem to fall asleep when you want to, try spending more time in the daylight each day.
6. Avoid Using Your Phone Before Bed
Do you have a habit of scrolling through your social media feed late into the night?
Smartphone usage before bed can badly disrupt your sleep schedule. The artificial light plays games with your brain and may trick it into staying awake, even though you’re really tired. Worst of all, you’ll probably struggle to sleep even after you let go of the smartphone.
So, put the phone and laptop away at least 30 minutes before bed, switch off the TV and do something that will help you relax and sleep better.
7. Avoid Caffeine and Tea Before Bed
If you have a habit of drinking a cup of coffee or tea in the evening, it could be affecting your sleep schedule. While most people know about how coffee disrupts sleep, did you know that many types of herbal teas also have high caffeine levels?
Instead of drinking coffee, you can go for fresh fruit juices, a glass of warm milk, or something that relaxes you without triggering your nervous system.
8. Stick to a Sleep Schedule
Lastly, as any sleep expert would tell you, the best way to sleep better is to stick to a schedule. If you struggle to sleep only during your menstruation days, then keep a monthly schedule of when your period happens so that you can be prepared for the side effects.